re-member gathered artists with ancestral threads stitched within the South-West Asia and North Africa (SWANA) region to share their practices of ancestral re-membrance and embodied knowledge in a collection of newly commissioned artworks, inviting audiences to re-member alongside them.
re-member linked the artists' stories and practices to identity, displacement, memory, and loss. This exhibition looked into re-membrance as a practice that moves individuals back into the collective and reminds us that our connections to land, culture, and each other are vital.
Curator: Nicole Barakat
Artists: Annukina Warda, DJ Gemma, Joanna Kambourian, Maissa Alameddine, Nazanin Marashian, Olivia Nigro, Zeina Iaali, and Marian Abboud.
Download the re-member exhibition catalogue(PDF, 12MB)
Exhibition period: 2 July - 29 October 2022

Marian Abboud, A Space of Knowing, 2022. Image by Document Photography
re-new: a spring gathering
re-new was a spring gathering to share plants, seeds and stories of re-membrance. This event welcomed the community to exchange plants, seedlings and cuttings with each other, to learn about plants that grow on Dharug land, and to engage with exhibition artists - sharing insight, knowledge, music, and stories.
re-new was a project funded by the CLUBGRANTS Scheme and St Johns Park Bowling Club.
Exhibition and event documentation by Document Photography and Legacy Studios